How Geothermal Energy can be Harnessed through Graphene Cables to Produce Drinkable Water and Batteries
Graphene is a one molecule thick metal that has amazing properties, it is a perfect conductor of energy and heat, 100 times sturdier than steel. They have already fashioned it into smaller threads, which then can be woven together into larger cables to make a sturdy structure. We have a near limitless supply of ocean water, a limitless supply of geothermal energy in the earth's core. But why drill that far down, we have volcanic activity much closer to the surface in places like California. California is also suffering from drought. A factory could be conceived that would let in ocean water continuously into small compartments that are air tight, each one shaped in such as way that steam would be funneled efficiently to spin a series of smaller turbines and produce clean energy.
First have small threads of graphene in each compartment where the ocean water is. Have each smaller thread or series of threads connect back to each other to form a cable then run the cable to a point that is then drilled to near surface level volcanic heat. To avoid melting the graphene at the tip you might need a diamond drill bit or some type of expensive metal, or perhaps a replaceable drill bit. All of that limitless heat would then instantly transfer through the graphene to each compartment of ocean water boiling it while the middle would stay cool. Any safety concerns at the factory? Simple cut the cable near the source of the volcanic heat and all the energy will stop transferring. The end result would be tons of limitless pure drinkable water and clean energy and the only by product would be super salinated water which could even be used for softening dessert soil for potential cultivation, or could be further purified to make quality ocean salt that is sellable.
All the excess electrical energy that is not used by local sources could be transferred into biodegradable batteries, that couple with super efficient generators and could be sold to industrialized nations to help them industrialize in a clean and efficient manner that will not pollute the environment. Not only would each nation be energy independent, but each individual, each home, each car through these batteries.
Such ventures could be both corporate and governmental in scope, with a large portion of the profits going to the government to help finance the deficit at the end of each year and cut back on our US bond debt and curb inflation. Such ventures could help balance the budget while not taking away any of the moral benefits of big government such as social security and welfare.
The problems of industrializing third and second world countries are not as great as we are led to believe. Innovations such as 3d printing can provide cheap and effective housing for everyone especially impoverished people, and will make the factory system of production as we know it obsolete as entire items can be produced not in parts but as wholes. The wealth generated by such 3d printing factories could be evenly shared between corporations and governments in a symbiotic relationship to fund humanitarian socialistic programs that provide the unemployed with homes and food and a small stipend, while not draining private sector growth through exorbitant taxation on consumers or producers.
Corrupt politicians and corporations cannot stop the future. These people need more vision and hope, more humanity and empathy. Our leaders have lost their way in a bloated and inefficient global system that is failing and needs to change. There is no reason globalism cannot be a moral movement. Just some thoughts.
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