
A Free Market Gold or Silver Backed Cryptocurrency System of Lending and Trading through Regional Credit Unions with Independence from the Dollar and the Larger Banking System

THE GENERAL IDEA: in this system the private individual with the metal is the lender, technology is utilized to authenticate and digitize their metal on site to show the initial backing of each unit of credit and each unit is backed at a ratio of 60:40 with physical metal. Once the metal is initially authenticated the process is recorded and 60% is taken to the regional vault to be stored and digitized into the units of credit available via blockchain. The metal is then recorded via video camera on real time and documented onto the publicly accessible server which shows the metal backing each “batch” of 1oz crypto units (whether it is lent or simply traded). Each gold or silver backed crypto unit will have an identifier number which the holder can see in their digital wallet and you simply type in the identifier to see the bar or coin backing it’s particular “batch” including serial number and 3rd party auditing information and history. The lender keeps 40% of their metal with them an...

Cache Gold Token (CGT) the Utility of Publicly Auditable Tokenized Assets and their Strategic Value for Investment and Wealth Preservation

For those who have enough capital at their disposal it is prudent to hold 25% of your wealth in currency, 25% in gold, silver and industrial assets, 25% in stocks and bonds, and 25% of your wealth in real estate. Then depending on what happens, buy or sell these different components of your portfolio in order to readjust back to those 25% levels and in effect you will be buying more of a sector when prices are low and selling off your profits    when a sector is high. For example, when gold and silver are doing poorly stocks and bonds may be doing better. So you sell off some of your stocks and use the profit to buy more gold and silver until the right ratios are rebalanced. If your cash is above 25% and your other investments have done poorly, then use your excess cash to buy the other elements until your portfolio is rebalanced. Overtime your overall net worth should increase. For those who may be younger, or are investing with smaller amounts of capital, speculating and tak...

“Too Big to Fail” will become “Too Big to Bail”

  A truly capitalist economy awards success in the marketplace primarily through competition and consumer choice. However, there are private institutions that are so embedded in the overall integrity of the system that they are deemed: “too big to fail.” This concept implies that many of the key players in the economy are not existing as truly private enterprises but rather are insured by the public sphere and by government debt and taxpayer money thus privatizing their profits and burdening the taxpayer with bailing them out when their reckless behavior inevitably backfires on them and on the rest of the economy.   For there to be true efficiency in the free market all corporations, regardless of size, must be allowed to fail and suffer the economic consequences of their failed business policies and financial decisions. A market where high net worth participants are deemed “too big to fail” compromises the integrity of the entire economy and helps to further monopolize power ...

How Geothermal Energy can be Harnessed through Graphene Cables to Produce Drinkable Water and Batteries

     Graphene is a one molecule thick metal that has amazing properties, it is a perfect conductor of energy and heat, 100 times sturdier than steel. They have already fashioned it into smaller threads, which then can be woven together into larger cables to make a sturdy structure. We have a near limitless supply of ocean water, a limitless supply of geothermal energy in the earth's core. But why drill that far down, we have volcanic activity much closer to the surface in places like California. California is also suffering from drought. A factory could be conceived that would let in ocean water continuously into small compartments that are air tight, each one shaped in such as way that steam would be funneled efficiently to spin a series of smaller turbines and produce clean energy.       First have small threads of graphene in each compartment where the ocean water is. Have each smaller thread or series of threads connect back to each other to form...

Automation and AI could Shift the Balance of Power between China and America

Automation and AI could Shift the Balance of Power between China and America. v=hkhecTI-DJo Over the past two decades, helped in large part to behind the scenes trade deals such as NAFTA and the TPP, there has been a massive shift from a production-based economy here in the United States to a consumer-based economy. In blunt terms this means that millions of factory jobs have left America and headed overseas. In this new free-trade system goods are made in places like China, India, Vietnam and shipped all the way to the United States to be purchased in large quantities. The primary driving force of this movement away from first-world production is the increase in profitability that occurs when you produce goods in a location that allows you to exploit cheap third-world labor. Despite the obvious human rights issue here and the terrible slave-like conditions these workers live in, there is little doubt this has harmed the US economy and empowered China to ...