
Showing posts from August, 2020

Automation and AI could Shift the Balance of Power between China and America

Automation and AI could Shift the Balance of Power between China and America. v=hkhecTI-DJo Over the past two decades, helped in large part to behind the scenes trade deals such as NAFTA and the TPP, there has been a massive shift from a production-based economy here in the United States to a consumer-based economy. In blunt terms this means that millions of factory jobs have left America and headed overseas. In this new free-trade system goods are made in places like China, India, Vietnam and shipped all the way to the United States to be purchased in large quantities. The primary driving force of this movement away from first-world production is the increase in profitability that occurs when you produce goods in a location that allows you to exploit cheap third-world labor. Despite the obvious human rights issue here and the terrible slave-like conditions these workers live in, there is little doubt this has harmed the US economy and empowered China to ...